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P H O T O-FUNdamentalist

View my videos on YouTube

under: gogogordy1


A "Photo-FUNdamentalist" you ask?


Well, does "FUNtographer" make it clearer?


I have been a hapless shutterbug for over 40 years. In that time I have used numerous cameras of varying degrees of sophistication and complexity with varying degrees of success and gratification. 


In recent years I have reverted to the basic fundamentals of photography; compose, point, shoot.  


I have ebbed and flowed into how deeply, or not I've plunged into the technical details of photography, but always relied on the basics of composition, opportunity and dumb-luck to capture interesting images.  Many of these pictures were taken in concurrence with my other interests and pursuits. A double-dip.

I hope you find something in my galleries here you enjoy looking at, thinking about, and then looking at again!




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